USI Comhdháil 2024 formed the USI Constitutional Assembly to review the entire USI Constitution. It has the scope established in its enabling motion:
Enabling Motion
Emergency Motion 4: USI-AMLÉ Constitutional Assembly
Proposed by UCCSU
Comhdháil recognises: that there are fundamental structural issues hindering the ability of USI-AMLÉ to secure buy-in from students, resulting in disenfranchisement among the national student body and ultimately risking redundancy.
Comhdháil notes: previous motions passed regarding constitutional review: 2023 UO 16 (NC): Constitutional Review Committee which makes reference to a committee was not formed; and 2021 EM (CZN) 5: CETA which makes reference to a 2021/2022 Constitutional Review which did not take place.
Comhdháil believes:
- that the proposals made to Comhdháil 2024 fail to address the substance of the structural issues that face USI-AMLÉ, due to their operating within a flawed system. USI-AMLÉ Coiste Gnó does not have the bandwidth to dedicate sufficient time to a comprehensive review.
- that innovative approaches are needed to address these issues and effectively reconnect with students.
- that the only way to fix these issues is to create a deliberative space for students, part-time officers, and sabbatical officers that will allow the structural reimagining of the union by way of a USI-AMLÉ Constitutional Assembly; this will be modelled on the Irish Citizens’ Assembly in order to meaningfully reform USI-AMLÉ.
Comhdháil mandates: Comhairle Náisiúnta, at its next meeting, to elect a member of USI-AMLÉ Steering Committee to act as an independent Chair of the Assembly (ex-officio members of the Steering Committee shall not be eligible for election).
The Assembly will consist of 100 members:
- The Assembly Chair, as elected by Comhairle Náisiúnta
- 33 union officers, of which half must be part-time officers, selected from USI-AMLÉ member organizations
- 66 ordinary student members, randomly selected from member organizations, so as to be broadly representative of the student body of Ireland and wider Irish society
- All members shall attend the assembly on an equal footing, entitled to contribute and vote in their own name only.
- The Assembly shall be called to order no later than 45 days after the election of the chair.
Comhdháil further mandates: the Chair of the Constitutional Assembly to conduct sessions of the constitutional assembly to consider and make recommendations on the following key issues including but not limited to:
- The role, aims, and basic principles of USI-AMLÉ
- Legal status, governance, and membership structure of USI-AMLÉ as an organization
- Reform of USI-AMLÉ elections, including universal suffrage
- Overhaul of accountability structures
- Grassroots engagement with the student body of Ireland and USI-AMLÉ’s democratic legitimacy.
- Defining and opening up working groups and committees
- Engagement with part-time officers
- The composition and role of Coiste Gnó, including the role of regional officers
- The composition structure and role of Comhairle Náisiúnta and Comhdháil.
- The NUS-USI trilateral agreement *
The Assembly may also make general observations as to the constitution as it seems fit.
The Assembly shall be conducted in accordance with the Citizens’ Assembly model, with a focus on considered deliberation. The Assembly shall invite and consider submissions from USI-AMLÉ member organizations and the wider student population, and the Assembly may invite presentations from relevant groups or individuals. The Assembly will agree its own rules of procedure for the effective conduct of its business in as efficient a manner as possible. USI-AMLÉ should make available whatever resources necessary for the effective functioning of the Assembly. All matters before the Assembly will be determined by a majority of the votes of all present, other than the Chairperson who will have a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes.
The Assembly shall conclude its business no later than 60 days after it has been called. Following this, the Chair shall compile a fair and neutral report of the Assembly’s recommendations and resolutions. This report shall be published in full and submitted to Comhairle Náisiúnta no more than 30 days following the conclusion of the Assembly.
The Assembly Chair shall be supported in the fair and neutral compilation of the report and effective running of the Assembly by the USI-AMLÉ Steering Committee. The Chair may also appoint an advisory group to support them in this capacity. Members of the advisory group should not be members of the Coiste Gnó, Comhairle Náisiúnta, USI-AMLÉ Member Organisation Executives or USI-AMLÉ Staff.
Comhdháil further mandates: Comhairle Náisiúnta to establish a committee which shall be charged with the fair and neutral drafting of a proposed USI-AMLÉ Constitution derived from the recommendations of the assembly. This election must take place at the first meeting of Comhairle Náisiúnta following the completion of the Assembly’s report.
This committee shall only be composed of:
- The Chair of the Constitutional Assembly
- 3 ordinary student members of the Constitutional Assembly, to be elected by the Assembly
- 3 elected members elected by Comhairle Náisiúnta (not Coiste Gnó)
- 1 past USI-AMLÉ President, to be elected by Comhairle Náisiúnta, who will act as Chair of the Committee
- In the interest of the separation of powers, members of the Coiste Gnó shall not be eligible for election to the committee.
The committee shall invite and consider submissions from USI-AMLÉ member organizations and the wider student population. The committee must submit the draft constitution in full to Comhairle Náisiúnta no less than 45 days after its election.
Comhdháil further mandates: Immediately on receipt of the draft constitution, Comhairle Náisiúnta shall refer the proposed constitution and the Assembly’s report to a Special Congress.
* The Trilateral arrangement is managed by the Presidents of NUS-USI, NUS UK and USI, a group of cross-ocean and cross-border officers which is officially convened 3 times a year minimum. This motion recognises that whilst discussions may take place in an Assembly, reflections will be provided rather than recommendations to respect the authority of the Trilateral Presidents group and members of NUS-USI.
This website will be used, at the direction of the Chairperson of the Assembly, to support and facilitate members of USI and members of the Constitutional Assembly. Whilst any member of USI may sign up to make submissions to this body, deliberations on the matters raised will be restricted to those groups mentioned in the motion.
Make a submission to the Constitutional Assembly
If you are a member of the Union of Students in Ireland, you may now make submissions to the Constitutional Assembly on this site.